“‘Nature always wears the colors of the spirit,’ Emerson wrote, by which he meant we never see the world plainly, only through the filters of prior concepts or metaphors.” ~Botany of Desire
“The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we CAN suppose.” ~ J.B.S. Haldane
“The meaning of life? More for the savoring than the solving.” ~ Anonymous
“Don’t overeat, speak no mean words, and don’t kick no one’s dog.” ~ Herbert ‘Hub’ Miller (on his 100th birthday)
“Consciousness fulfills itself by knowing itself. The knowledge changes it,
in your terms, into a greater gestalt that then tries to fulfill and know
itself, and so forth.” ~ The “Unknown” Reality, vol. 1 pgs. 48-49, A Seth Book (Jane Roberts)